Conference details can be found here:
And follow all the updates via Twitter @neumannlab and #ceneuro #ceneuro18
Brent is attending the 2018 C. elegans Topic Meeting: Neuronal Development, Synaptic Function and Behaviour at the University of Madison, Wisconsin USA.
Conference details can be found here: And follow all the updates via Twitter @neumannlab and #ceneuro #ceneuro18
Brent was invited as a 'VIP' for the Students of Brain Research (SoBR) Professional Development Dinner held at the Arts Center Melbourne.
This annual dinner aims to foster discussion on the future of brain science. The VIP guests are seated at each table alongside young researchers to help convey their thoughts on careers in science and the future of brain research. More info on the dinner and society can be found here: We have published a manuscript in collaboration with Massimo Hilliard's lab online with bioRxiv:
In this paper we have further explored a highly effective means of nerve repair known as axonal fusion. We reveal how the protein (EFF-1) that fuses axon segments together after they have been separated by injury is regulated. This is essential information for our understanding of axonal fusion and provides important information for harnessing this type of repair in clinical settings. The details of the paper are as follows: RAB-5 regulates regenerative axonal fusion by controlling EFF-1 endocytosis Casey Linton, Brent Neumann, Rosina Giordano-Santini, Massimo A Hilliard This is the first time we have used a pre-print server. The manuscript is simultaneously under submission at a more traditional journal. Today we welcome Clara Luu to the Neumann lab.
Clara is a final year Biomedical Science student joining us for a 4-week Winter Scholarship research project, before starting a 12-week research project as part of the DEV3990 course. Clara will be working with Sebastien and Tarika on a project aiming to understand how the nervous system can be repaired after injury. Welcome Clara!! Brent was invited to speak at the Monash BDI Rising Stars Seminar Series.
His talk is entitled "Title: Fuse it or lose it: highly efficient repair of the nervous system through axonal fusion". Some photos from the presentation were posted to Twitter: |
April 2020